"Brenda the Vendor" our Pharmaself 

Patients at Shere Surgery and Dispensary, which serves a 45-square mile catchment area with no pharmacies nearby, rely heavily on its facilities for their medical needs and prescriptions. Increasingly over the years, this has put a lot of pressure on the Surgery to ensure that patients receive their prescriptions on time. The situation was made worse during the coronavirus pandemic when prescription items jumped from 8,000 items per month to around 11,000 and social distancing meant that patients were queuing along the pavement outside the Surgery.


Up stepped SALV who eagerly supported the investment required for the installation of an automated dispensing machine nicknamed "Brenda the Vendor". The Pharmaself machine, installed on an external wall of the Surgery building on Gomshall Lane, has been a resounding success for all patients who use it and the Dispensary team who manage it. 

Standby Generator 

We have many power outages here in the Surrey Hills which make it difficult for the doctors, nurses and other staff to carry on their work if the lights are out or the computers are down. No appointments could be taken, no prescriptions could be issued and the Surgery would have to be evacuated until power is restored. 


In 2018 SALV provided the funding required to purchase and install an AVK back-up power generator.  Its arrival was a momentous occasion for Shere Sugery: no  more chaos whenever the electricity supply was interrupted - the lights can now stay on!

Ultrasound Machine 

Before the ultrasound machine arrived, if a patient required non-invasive diagnosis within the body a doctor would have requested an appointment for them at a local hospital. 


Having the ultrasound machine now allows the Surgery's doctors immediately to diagnose a patient's problems, a significant benefit for both doctors and patients alike. The NHS is unable to fund such a facility for village surgeries. 


Foetal Heart Rate Doppler

A Foetal Heart Rate (FHR) Doppler monitor is a handheld ultrasound transducer used by the doctors to hear a baby's heartbeat during prenatal care. Listening to a baby's heartbeat can help the doctors to assess how well a baby is coping. 

Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitor

An ECG is a test which records the electrical activity of your heart, including the rate and rhythm, and can help to detect any problems. It can also help doctors to tell if you're likely to have a heart attack or if you've had a heart attack in the past.


A spirometer is used to measure your lung capacity and how quickly you can exhale. It provides the doctors with more information on whether there are any restrictions in airflow or lung volume, to help diagnose respiratory problems such as asthma, COPD or fibrosis. 

24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitor

A blood pressure monitor is used to measure and record your blood pressure over a 24-hour period during your normal daily routine. It can help the  doctors to differentiate between "white coat syndrome" or true high blood pressure (hypertension). 


The handheld dermatoscope gives our doctors the ability to examine skin lesions under high magnification. This provides far more information than the naked eye alone can detect and leads to more accurate timely diagnoses. It also gives doctors the ability to take photos and email to consultant dermatologists so that they can diagnose problems remotely if there is diagnostic uncertainty. The dermatoscope can prevent unnecessary appointments and also help to diagnose more worrying lesions earlier. 

Microsuction Vacuum

The microsuction vacuum device allows Dr Marcus McEwen to operate in removing wax and debris from the ear canal. This is particularly relevant for those with reduced hearing and can make the difference between the patient being able to hold conversations or not, which has huge benefits in preventing social isolation and even reducing the risk of dementia. As a result, Shere is one of very few practices in Guildford and Waverley that are able to offer this service, the alternative being a 12-month wait to be seen in the hospital clinic (1 to 2-week wait at Shere Surgery). This is a prime example of how SALV's contributions have driven better outcomes for Shere patients.

Other Miscellaneous Items


Your generous support has also allowed SALV to fund a minor surgery couch and inspection lamp for the consulting rooms.


Replacement furniture for the Waiting Room has also been provided by SALV over the years. More recently "phone booths" on the first floor - again paid for by SALV - have enabled the doctors to deal more efficiently with telephone consultations arranged through the AskMyGP appointments system. 

A message from our Doctors

All these projects allow the medical team to offer far better care than is possible with standard GP care. It allows faster, more accurate diagnoses, which ultimately lead to better and far speedier outcomes. The medical team are well aware of how lucky we are to have these donations from SALV as we are able to go above and beyond normal levels of care, leading to happier patients and clinicians alike. This is particularly relevant for Shere Surgery patients because of the practice's rural nature and distance from the major hospitals. Thank you SALV!