Shere Surgery's current building on Gomshall Lane was originally developed in 1991 to serve the area as it was at that time but the number of residential properties in the area has increased significantly over the past three decades. With the increase of houses comes an increase in expectations of the services available at Shere Surgery. Today the doctors, nurses and other staff at the Surgery look after the health and wellbeing of nearly 8,500 local residents, a 50% increase since 1991. Our Surgery can now barely cope with the additional population or service expectations.
On 10th April 2024 Guildford Borough Council approved a planning application to extend the Surgery to allow for the much needed additional clinical spaces. The new proposed build will provide 162 square metres of accommodation in a single-storey extension.
The extension will be known as The Graham Tyrrell Wing in memory of our much loved and trusted Head of Practice who served many generations across our community throughout his 41 years in Shere. Graham sadly died in August 2022 and is greatly missed across our community.