Shere Surgery supports nearly 8,500 patients across our local villages. We all read on a daily basis how stretched the NHS funds are. SALV was set up to buy items not funded by the NHS. As a registered charity we rely on your generosity to help.
Sign up to the SALV newsletter
You can make an instant donation today. To donate, simple click on the DONATE NOW Button to take you to the SALV JustGiving page.
You can set up a monthly donation to SALV.
There are two ways for you to do this:
1. If you use Online Banking please create a standing order to SALV Health Trust (Sort Code 30-93-74, Acct No 07093946) or
2. Click on the button to print and complete the attached standing order form.
Please also download and sign the Gift Aid Form. This is very important to SALV because it allows us to claim back 25p tax from the Government for every £1 you donate.
After completing the forms please send them to
Sue Edwards c/o Bullimores LLP, Old Printers Yard, 156 South Street, Dorking RH4 2HF
or scan the documents and email to