Since 1993 SALV (Shere And Local Villages) health trust has been helping doctors at Shere Surgery to provide that extra healthcare for you and your family.


Over the years it has achieved – and continues to achieve – this aim in many ways. Among its purchases to help the work at Shere Surgery are several costly ECG machines and ultrasound scanners, plus a range of smaller clinical instruments, a back-up generator to counter the damaging effects of our villages’ recurring power failures and, most recently, the hole-in-the-wall machine for dispensing prescriptions, nicknamed Brenda the Vendor!


Besides these purchases, which have totalled more than £400,000, SALV has supported training for members of the whole practice (not just the doctors), monthly funding for a Mental Health Initiative - and has also sought to involve the village communities where the Surgery’s 8,000-plus patients live.  


One of the main links with these patients are SALV’s twice-yearly Open Evenings, held in the various village halls around the Surrey Hills, when between 70 and 100 residents regularly attend to hear talks on topical medical subjects and to meet the teams from both the Surgery and the Dispensary.


Besides a small team of Trustees, SALV also has representatives in every village who keep their local communities in touch and can relay your concerns to the doctors if necessary.


For many years the NHS has been underfunded and the situation continues to deteriorate. But a little help from SALV can make a considerable difference for all of us. We have a steadfast group of donors whose generosity has provided the Surgery with equipment that can often avert a patient’s unwanted visit to hospital.


Now in 2024, particularly as Shere Surgery is planning an extension to expand its crowded premises in Gomshall Lane, we would very much welcome a wider base of donors. Anything you could give, preferably on a regular basis and perhaps only a few pounds a month, would be hugely appreciated. Many of our regular donors are not as young as they used to be and they won’t be here forever!     


Could this be the year when YOU join the SALV family? Any help you can give to keep Shere Surgery as one of the top surgeries in the Southeast of England would be wonderful.



To add YOUR help, please follow the links on this website, or pick up a SALV leaflet in the Surgery or contact our Treasurer, Sue Edwards, directly at suee@bullimores.co.uk


Shere Surgery  www.sheresurgery.nhs.uk